You know at night when you sleep and you dream about some wonderful place? You may dream of a beach, or a snow peaked mountain, you may dream of living deep under the ocean like the little mermaid.... Well guess what the girls from Things-We-Heart dream about?
Closets... Perfect, clean, organized, color-coordinated, stylishly edited closets.
But alas, although we may dream of these closets and have even been blessed with a very roomy walk-in closet... (Thank you Mr. Miss Me) Sad as we to report it, most of the time our closets end up looking like a big old mess!

It isn't that we can't make our closets look like small retail stores, it is just that it takes a lot of energy to KEEP them looking that way!
We have to admit, this picture of one of our favorite fashionable ladies
Miss Nicole Richie makes us feel a wee bit better...

Nicole looks like she is in our closet gang... You know she has some pretty fantastic things in this closet... An adorable mess if you will, but it also looks like a real girls closet... Only she knows where everything is.
Still, the closet of our dreams looks a lot like this...
Organized to the Tee (haha) and so beautifully sectioned off by color... Check out the handbags on the top shelf!! WOW!

Here is another view of this super-duper put together closet... Yummy!
Love the blue paint on the inside of the shelves.. And all those matching hangers!
(Tip, this is the fastest way to make your closet look super organized!)

We don't know who this enviable closet belongs to, but who ever you are, you are one lucky lady! (Or man, with a penchant for high-heels and very tiny feet.)
Speaking of heels, have you seen Mariah Carey's SHOE closet? Yes you read that right, this whole closet, the size of most apartments in NYC is for her shoes!

Hmmm, I wonder if they all have butterflies on the toe, or only half of them.
Listen, we are not saying go crazy and have a giant over excessive closet like Old Mariah... Please don't.
We are just saying that whatever space you have to work with, make the most of it.
Have you ever seen the blog called Making It Lovely? Well please go and check it out. The super cute and very crafty owner of card company Pink Loves Brown
writes this blog and she is always full of great ideas.
Here is her closet... This is the perfect example of making the most of your space.

Crisp and clean, all the pretty dresses in a row.

Amazingly clever storage choice. So simple, and such a great way to keep your pretty shoes dust free.
Is it just me or did you just get a Overboard flashback too?
Remember the rotating shoe closet that Kurt Russell made for Goldie Hawn in that movie!?! No...? Okaaaay.
You don't have to have a lot of room to have a beautiful closet, if your place is limited on space, then get a giant armoire and paint it a bold and fun color!

(Apartment Therapy)
We heart the way the purple and yellow compliment each other in this photo add in the mirrored dresser and the pretty chair and you have turned the corner of your bedroom into a stylish "walk-in" closet.
But if you do have room... Then use it! Make it beautiful and glorious,not just a big mess of clothes on the ground and jumbled hangers!

This delightfully neat and beautifully wallpapered closet bellow looks like it functions as an office as well. When you start mixing spaces you have to be really careful to keep things as tidy as you can so that one room functions well for both uses.

away the hours in.

Now if you don't know who's closet this is, you just may not be the type of person who dreams of closets...

What is so great about Carries closet besides the items contained inside, is the greyish-blue that works as a neutral color and lets all the colors of the clothing pop.
Carrie is also a gal like T-W-H and Miss Richie in that her closet is a cute mess... (See the thin-line there between cute clutter and down right disaster?)
It seems that Aerin Lauder has a dream dressing room.

So, the question remains, what to do about these closet dreams?

Are you a neat and tidy person? Do you know where everything is and have a minor heart-attack when it isn't there?
If you answer yes, then you are a closet goddess, your closet is most likely amazing and in tip-top shape. Good for you! You are free to go shopping and enjoy adding to your well organized closet.
Or are you like us, you have a passion for fashion and you love your closet to be a reflection of that... But somehow the days get away and the closet falls apart?
If you answered yes! yes! yes! That is me! I dream of a closet I can go to and get dressed in a snap! I long for everything to be at my fingertips, not in the bottom of the clean laundry basket that I still haven't gotten around to putting away!!
Then my friends we come to you with options.
If this book inspires you, but you don't have the time to do it alone or you need a hand, then call in the queen of organization herself.
Miss Tia Young. Be it your closet, your pantry, your home office, anywhere.
It is amazing how her eyes sparkle when she sees a area that needs to be tackled, she was born to bring order to the world. Give this lady a few hours in your home and your whole life will change.
Option number two, and this is gonna hurt... You have to purge. You have to go through and get rid of anything you never wear. And by never wear I mean that sweater with the tag still on that you just know will look perfect one day... That day just hasn't happened in the past three years.

Or are you just ready to update your look, refresh your wardrobe.
Maybe you just got a new fella and you want to look great all the time with no option for fashion disaster?

Aubrey is a Los Angeles based fashion stylist who is gifted with the know-how to walk you gently through the closet purging process, she will let you know in the most honest yet sweet way what you need to keep, what you should ditch, and what key pieces you should buy.
Her full service also includes helping you shop for new items, building an arsenal of go-to outfits, and organizing your closet to look like the dream world you deserve to have. This is such a great service, nothing boosts your confidence like knowing you look your best, and this little lady can do that for you. Contact here.
We heart perfect and beautiful closets because it makes getting dressed so much fun! And looking good is feeling good, and having beautiful things around you can cheer you up. Imagine walking to your closet every morning and feeling like the whole world is ahead of you!

(Sea of Shoes)
We hope we have inspired you to make the most of your spaces, your home should be beautiful and inviting in every corner.
XOXO- Things-We-Heart
I've been surfing design blogs all day. Came upon yours and love this post. So many good ideas!
Thankks for this
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