Summer sun, salty sea water on your skin, warm blankets wrapped around your shoulders a roaring bonfire and a marshmallow on the end of a stick. Sounds a little like Heaven right?
But then we grew up and then we started to learn things like "They put WHAT in marshmallows!? EEWWW!" But does that mean that just because they put super yucky animal parts in "normal" marshmallows our days of S'mores and hot chocolate toppers are over?
No sir-e-bob it does not, thats right kids you heard us - You can have your marshmallow and eat it too!
Thanks to Sweet and Sarah a company based in Queens, New York (Sorta' perfect because we think Sarah IS the marshmallow queen!) that makes the most delicious and decadent and 100% cruelty free yummies. That is unless you call wanting to eat so many your butt gets 3 sizes bigger cruelty... and we kinda do.
So, please join us in trying out this fantastic companies goods. Lets take a look at some of Sweet & Sarah's pretty products.
And if you have a moment of weakness and fall for one of those delicious evil little Peeps this Easter don't feel to bad, you can always make it up come August 10th National S'more day. (Who Knew?!)
See, being a grownup isn't really that hard, you can always re-live your fondest childhood memories in a new and totally sophisticated way because remember even though you may have loved something soooo much as a kid, it isn't always the same when you grow up.
Right Stay Puft?

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