Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Random Hearts: By now you should know...we suuuper heart funny gizmos, gadgets and silly useful stuff! (part trois)

Well hello there! We are back and ready to attack! Sooo happy to be back...we were so busy baking up a couple of new things we missed being with our fave peeps...YOU!

Soooo with out further adieu here are a few of our fave fun and useful things for your life...things that will hopefully just put a lil smile on your smackers.

After all...remember this super fun post? And this uber popular one?

We just can't get enough of the things we can (but don't wanna) live without!

I mean how the heck are we supposed to pass up the Ice Cream Cone Turner? Seriously how?

Ice cream is already soo fun to eat this just ups the ante.
No more drips or uneven ice cream eating with this rad gadget.

If you are an OG TWHer you know how much we love amazing vases and funny flower this Ziplock vase fits right in to our obsession.

We love the everyday-ness of the baggie but the beauty of the clear glass.
Pile candy in it or just float a few beautiful flowers in there for a funny chic flare in your casa...

The girl at Bittersweet-LA bakery is adding this super rad cake mold to her bday wish list.

Um hello? A sandwich cake mold!? Soooo funny!
Sure a PB&J cake might not be the cats meow but vanilla with choc and marshmallow or pb filling fits works like nobodies business...
This mold will bring smiles to all your friends on their special days!

So you know how in the wee hours of the morning your brain decides it's time to create your to do list? Yeah that time before it's time to wake up and especially that time before you've had your cup o'morning joe....
Well fear your brain no more...tell it to wait a few cuz we found a fun solution.

While you are waking up with your tea or coffee let your brain free! Jot down your daily list on this rad appointment mug.
No more forgetting a meeting or better yet lunch with your friends or that Lanvin by HM sale :) hee hee!

See how much fun the most mundane or simple things can be with a few silly items in your life?
Make's way easier than being serious...
xoxo things we heart

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