Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Yummies: Hot Chocolate- by the fire-on a rainy day- yummy!

It must be the rain. In Southern California we get so little of it most of the year that once it starts falling, we run scattering into our homes and crank up the heat and light the fires.

And once the fires are lit, well our minds start roaming towards our favorite winter treat... Hot cocoa!

Delicious chocolate goodness that warms you up from your lips to your toes.

Now, if we did live in a snowy climate... We like to believe we would be out playing in the beautiful white fluff. But we live in Cali, so we just get to haul up in the house and stare out at the beautiful grey rain coming down.
Then we drink our hot cocoa and talk about all the crazy people that are going out on a day like this... They must be out of their minds!

For yummy and quick hot chocolate we like to use either of these brands.

Although it can be really fun to make your own hot cocoa from scratch!
What else are you gonna do on a rainy day?

Here is a delicious recipe for homemade Chocolate and Chili Hot Cocoa.

Looking for something with an even bigger kick?
Something a little more grown up to snuggle by the fire with?

We always say "What would Christmas be without the Baileys?"
Well, yes of course THESE Baileys too!

(It's a Wonderful Life)

But we were looking for something a little stronger!
THESE Baileys.

Add a little splash of any of these decadent flavors to your cocoa and you are all set.

For a sinful Hot Rum Chocolate recipe from the luscious Nigella Lawson go here.

Well then now, got yourselves all sorted have you? Well, hold on just a bloody minute! You won't be forgetting about Christmas gifts now would you?
(Woops, sorry for the bad accent! Too much Harry Potter tonight)
We flipped over this Hot Cocoa on a stick gift idea and recipe we found on
You just stir the chocolate covered stick in a mug of hot milk and viola!
Creamy, frothy hot chocolate!

If only I had a friend who was super talented at baking and loved to make sweets for people... Ah'hem, Miss t-w-h I think you know who i'm talking about!

We think a bundle of these homemade sweets wrapped with a bow and stuck inside a monogramed mug would make any heart melt!

If you are too rushed to stay home and make hot cocoa on a stick, another wonderful holiday gift idea is a Serendipity Frozen Hot Chocolate kit.

Comes complete with a glass bowl, a spoon and out of control cute packaging.
Thank you!

Lets top this post off with toppings! We all love a good pile of whipped cream on top of our warm Hot Chocolate... But what about the mini marshmallows?
I know my kids are crazy for them... OK so am I.
But.... YUCK!

Today we bring you, adorable VEGAN mini marshmallows!
Hooray! Thanks to Dandies we can have all the toppings we want!

Even though we don't get the fluffy white snow and beautiful perfect snowflakes here in California. We DO get winter, and so lets have fun with it.
Stay cozy.
XOXO- Things-We-Heart

P.S- Do you heart Oprah? We do! And guess what? She hearts us too!
Check out our blog on The big "O's" Holiday gift guide extravaganza!

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