Monday, February 1, 2010

Beauty-fuls: La bellezza delle ricompense di Grammys!

In LA where the seasons never change (it's about 70-90 degrees all year long...and NO we are not bragging) it's super fun to have a second season....AWARD SEASON!!! Who needs the Winter season when you have award shows and the months of red carpets they bring???

Ugghghghghgggg how we heart award shows! We love the glitz...the glam...the gorge guys and gals...hmmm what else starts with a "g"? Oh well...we love it all and last nights Grammy's was no exception.
thank you lady gaga for giving a horribly safe Grammy red carpet some sass!

Here is the good...the bad...and the u-g-l-y ( and when we say ugly we do NOT mean they are ugly ...we just mean their make up and hair) of the 51st Grammy Awards.
How about we do it a wee bit different then the GG post...we will go backwards so we end on a beauty high note?

The Bads

Mrs Z...How do we say this? You are by far one of the most beautiful women ever created...EVER. How is it humanly possible that your team made you anything less than that?
We will leave the stylists out of it (they should be fired btw...except your acceptance dress was on another level)...So what is up with your makeup and hair? Of course, we can still tell you are stunning but ?!??!

Remember the other year where you did this?.....

Ridiculous!!! Retardedly gorge! But this year? ...Ehhhh

Dear Miley and team....

1. You are not 75, there for white/nude lips do not work
2. You are also not a mermaid...
3. You are what...16? You do not need sooo much stuff done to you...

OK...Uhhhh Nicole Kidman-Urban, what have you done to your stunning self? You look like you are still in that movie, The Hours...
And you are not at the Italian Film Fest...why so formal and matronly?

Brit Brit....please see our comments for Beyonce's hair and make up team...
We are totally confused by this.... You should rock your radness Brit! Be sexy...young...have fun but in a good way..not cheap and trashy!

And now for our fave part...the Goods!

We never thought we would say this....Katy look super pretty (not that your not...cuz you are but usually we forget how cute you are) ! A big improvement over last years matronly style....

(next pic is from last year)

Sure the makeup is crazy similar (but hey... when you know what works and looks good why change...right?) But your Bettie Page hair, bindi (we heart your new found love for India) and flushed cheeks are great this year!

Hayley...You are the cutest!

You look sooo fresh, pretty, age appropriate, and sexy all at the same time! Love the retro fun against the fire orange color.

Now this next section is called, "Thank You" & "The Greats"

Gaga and RiRi...thank you for being bold and having a blast! That is what dressing up is all about!

Lady Gaga...F**K Yeah!!!!
This is what the Grammy awards are all about. Pushing the envelope and looking totally glam all at the same time.
LOVE your your outfit from head to toe is are walking art.

Rihanna...ditto to you. Your unconventional makeup, hair and dress is sooo refreshing yet you totally pull it off.
How are you doing all of this and still cute as crap?!?!?

P.S. Sorry to all of the beauties we didn't mention or didn't love...we totally know how hard and uber stressful it is to pick a dress and get ready for these things...then just to have random people pick you apart is not fair...BUT maybe it will help you for next time?
So should we just say, YOU ARE WELCOME? hee heeeeeeee

xoxo things we heart


  1. Couldn't agree with you more! Hayley was uber cute! Also who can't be googoo over gaga

    Would like to point out that I can't believe Taylor Swift won Best Record of the year....overly produced POP music! Don't get me wrong..she seems like a sweet girl....but Please!

  2. I completely agree with Kenda about Taylor... WTF?!?!

    Thank you for pointing out that Miley looked.. ehhhhh. I did notice, however, that you forgot to mention that Ke$ha trainwreck. =)

    GaGa looked stunning. I loved her lightning bolt outfit she wore later, too. It was awesome!!
