Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bueno: Lending a hand...

After yesterdays amazingly beautiful and necessary post about how to help the horrifying, unimaginable, devastating conditions in Haiti,

If you didn't see yesterdays post...please read it NOW!

We got to thinking...
"Why don't we do more?"
We are all so fortunate...can't we afford to do more?
The answer...YES we can do more!

Lending a hand, a dollar or two or even an hour of your time goes waaay further than you can ever imagine.

And guess what? You will probably feel amazing and renewed after you do.

Help your neighbors, America's animals, children in need or countries in your part, do what you can.
Here is a list of the best charity and volunteer websites for you:

Charity Navigator- Rates and dissects the worlds charity organizations so you know where to donate your moolah to make it go the farthest.

Give Well- An amazing site that helps you pick the best charity that suits you!

United Nations Volunteers- How you can become a UN volunteer or help those who are already.

Volunteer Match- Matches YOU to your ultimate volunteer job!

P.S. You can also start your own "charity"- Collect clothing, blankets, non perishable snacks and water and pass to those less fortunate.

Donate money and time to animal shelters. Go through your over flowing closet and give the clothes to Goodwill or Out of the Closet.

There are soooo many things you can do to make a difference.

You are amazing!
xoxo things we heart

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