Sunday, November 1, 2009

No Bueno: The Candy Hangover!

Read this ad closely...amazing!!!! No wonder we are addicted to sugar!


No energy...must...get....COFFEE...


But I didn't drink last night 'cuz I was driving....why do I feel like I have a hangover?

Ohhhhhh's all coming back to me....

The candy corn, the chocolate, the carmel apples....OH GOD! Did we eat pixie sticks? The crack of candy?

There is only 1 way to cure a sugar hangover...we hate to say actually hurts us to say it...

Oh feels good to say it out loud.

Here are a couple easy (well not easy for chocolate addicts like ourselves) steps....

1. Put down the candy...yes right now...take the mini snickers out of your mouth
2. Get rid of your need to throw it away...either give it to your grandma (they love candy in bowls) or donate it to a food mission
3. Make a cup of tea (coffee is ok but tea is actually good for you)
4. Drink tons of water
5. Eat loads of fresh fruit and veggies
6. Exercise outdoors...feel the nature!
7. Voila!

Ok...those magical candy corns calling your name?...Just 1 more candy corn pumpkin o' goodness?

That's fine....tomorrow is a new day...start then!

Happy Hangover!!!

xoxo t.w.h.


  1. the first pic is the best and last is gud too.................

  2. Thank you for sharing such great information.Best way to prevent hangoverIt is informative, can you help me in finding out more detail on breakdown assist,i am interested and would like to know more about this field and wanted to understand the basics of avoid hangover after drinking .
