Thursday, November 19, 2009

Decor to Die For: Book...Book...who's gotta book. WE HEART DECOR BOOKS!

Although we are going to keep today's post short (hic up....advil...sunglasses...enough said) it will of course be all you need to get inspired to rehab your pad.

There is really no reason you shouldn't have the room, apartment or home of your dreams...(aaahhheemmm...we are speaking to you JN ;) )

You don't need tons of moolah to update and make your nest ridiculous. It just takes a wee bit of time, patience and smart shopping!

Oh.. the other thing you need to make your place of lovin' unbelievable and soooo chic is 1 or all of these F'n amazing design books we are bringing to you today. You're sooo welcome! It's our pleasure...No need for kisses...just buy us cashmere.

These books are soooooooo inspirational you will probably cry (the good kind). They are from the top 3 designers of all time and 1 from one of the chicest interior design editors around.

You won't believe how great your space will be with a lil help from the best.
Your friends gasp and say, "Wow...geez...someones doing well! You have such good taste! I am super jealous"

Then you say, "Yeah, I didn't know I was great at interior design...but one day I thought, huh I would like to redo my place and voila!"

But no one needs to know you are not design inclined (don't worry most are not...well, Miss Me is but she's a freak of nature)...they don't need to know you had crazy good help with the inspirational books we are about to show you.

From one of the best most understated glam designers...owner of the RIDICULOUS store Chapman Radcliff (which PS is now going away!!!!!) Ruthie Sommers.
There has been a wait list of sorts to get her book, The LA House, and no one knows why but we are suuuper sure it is well worth the wait.

Ruthie's designs are spectacular and oh soooo crave worthy!
Remember this black and turquoise kitchen? Sooooo easy to recreate for yourself!!!!

And how the hell can we get this couch you ask? Oh by grabbing an old couch at a flea market, buying some rad fabric and reupholster like you have never reupholstered before!
Or have someone do it for you ;)

Last night we were lucky enough to go to the new book launch for the goddess of glam....the hotness that is Kelly Wearster.

She has 3 amazingly inspirational (yeah...we know we need another word but that one is perfect so deal with it) decor books to help you on your way.

The queen of Modern Glamour ....
and Dame of less is NOT more.... her new book Hue will make you paint all of your walls and furniture faster than you can eat a plateful of Krispy Kreme doughnuts when you have PMS.

Oh and PS...yes she does look EXACTLY like this in person.

We were dying and wanted to kill her (in a good way!) She is ridiculously gorgeously amazingly beautiful all around.
Not sure if she is a real person or an android sent to Earth to make us feel ugly and untalented.

One of KW besties is another one of our besties...OK not besties, besties...but one of the most amazing designers ever to waltz into our hearts and homes...Jonathan Adler.

He is sooooooo good...every page in this book will make you cry tears of happiness.

His use of fun bright colors, mixed with modern chic pieces and fantastical pottery will cause your abode to explode with whimsy.

You need this book! It will change the way you decorate your space!

And who is KW and JA's bestie? Margaret Russel from Elle Decor!!!!

Elle Decor's book Style and Substance is filled to the brim with gorgeously glam and boho chic rooms to inspire even those who thinks decorating their home is silly.

Now for 2 books that are chalk full of gorgeous, amazing, inspirational, functional, drop dead fabulous, crazy chic, unbelievably luscious rooms and ideas...they will make your heart flutter and head spin!

If you miss Domino mag as much as we do, then grab their book. It is actually a tutorial about how to mix and match ideas and pieces for the perfectly imperfect home. Your place will look like you traveled the globe ;)

Ever had to grab ideas on line for your nest and kept getting routed to Apartment Therapy's sites? We hope so. They are AMAZING!

The best part about their site...all of the places they show you for inspiration are real peoples homes!

Now they have a book out to help you with any thing you need for designing your place!
Everything they show you is with in reach and totally doable and easy peasy to do!

PS You don't have to copy the styles in the book...just get ideas and have fun!
PPS When you are done, invite us over ;)

See you later decorators!!!!

xoxo t.w.h.

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