Thursday, August 27, 2009

Decor to Die For: Baby come and light my fire...We heart Luxurious Candles

Imagine walking in to a room holding the hand of your beautiful better half, and as they lead you in, the room is warmed up by the gorge and love inducing smell of vanilla and sandalwood. As you open your eyes, your lover is glowing in the beautiful glow of a candle.

Ahhhhh love...sweet and yummy smelling love!

Nothing sets the mood like candles. Whether its on a birthday cake given to you by the unbelievably yummy and exquisite Jake Ryan...Gosh he is sooooo dreamy! Yes Please Jake!..

Hee hee hee..we digress, or around a luxurious bath tub, on a dinner table, or just on a desk...candles are the perfect "feeling" starter.

Once used purely for light, candles now have transformed into "a mood with a wick"
They can make you happy or calm, thoughtful or loving, peaceful or excited...all with the flick of a lighter (or a match for you retro romantic ladies) and nothing helps welcome guests to your home like a few beautiful smelling candles.

A good candle is like a huge hug from a fluffy unicorn...there is nothing like can't walk into a room with a lit candle and not feel good and warm (and we are not talking about the warmth of the fire people!)

We uber heart Luxurious Candles!

There are tons of brands out there but being the crazy obsessed candle lurvers that we are...we narrowed it down to a select few that are amazing, gloriously delish and easy to find ('cuz what's the point of being soooo cool that our gorge readers can't find what we blab about...right?) NO particular order...we give to you....Lux Candles!

OK, I know we said NO order...but this first candle maker can be in no other place but first!
Our FBF (Fake Boyfriend) Jonathan Adler makes the coolest candles around.

Not only are his scents amazing and thick with out being too perfume-y but when you are done burning his amazing creations, you have to keep the candle holder because it is actually a piece of his pottery!!!!!!! Really JA? Really??????? An amazing candle and a piece of your work?!?!

We super heart his Hashish candle for a couple of reasons (no sillies...not the one you are thinking of...well maybe a little but only because we are hippies at heart) smells just like its namesake and burns forever and the rad pottery it comes in becomes a great keepsake jar for your jewels or spices or "products" or other green stuff like money.

Another one of his beautifully scented candles with the fantastical gift of free pottery is his Muse Noir candle.

Its seductively lovely with smells of bergamont, amber and plum...can you say hot love! Fill his popular Muse pot with deep red roses or purple orchids...or what ever your heart desires.

This next LC co. is really the true reason for this post. Have you ever had a candle actually fill a room with gorgeous (non perfumey) smells with out even lighting it? NO? Well now you can get one.
Jo Malone, the guru of amazing scents and scent mixing, has the most TDF candles ever!

Perfectly packaged with clean and sleek packaging, her candles literally can take you to another place with how unbelievable the scents are.

There are no words to describe how amazing they are, how inviting and chic the scents are and how we wish we could buy one every week! (but p.s. her candles are for sure lux candles...not for the recessionista but totally worth the splurge!!!!)

One of the best gifts Miss Me and I were ever given (besides our gorge Hawaiian bracelets) was a huge Jo Malone candle.

Not only does it fill the foyer (super fancy right???) with the most lovely smell when its just sitting there...but once we light it, the whole house is hugged in it!

We heart the grapefruit, which btw, is sooooo not grapefruity. It's less harsh and tart than you can's warm, spicy and fluffy and super expensive smelling.

Her orange blossom is another crazy beautiful scent. It too is big and warm with out being over powering.

Speaking of fancy pants and uber luxurious candles, this next company might be the O.G. One whiff of Diptique's beautimously chic candles and you will whip out your credit card faster than just fast!

The candle vessel is perfectly Parisian and filled with glorious scents that most candle makers could never repeat...

Their most popular and most beautifully unusual scent is Baies (we can't pronounce it either). It's black currant and Bulgarian Roses...yup..AMAZING!!!

Put this bad boy next to your tub while you are soaking and you will be taken to another...way more shmancier place.

Diptique's perfectly perfect Tuberose candle is just that...perfection!

It's soft and elegant and never over powering.

Oh um hi...Mr John Galliano has his own scent with them (we hope it doesn't smell like how he a French pirate...but if it does, I'm sure it's still great)

Need a great gift for your friend that has everything and every candle ever?
DL & co create masterpieces.

Their candles are part Gothic, part romantic and every bit luxurious. They fill a room with soft, masculine yet oddly feminine smells.

Yes they are crazy expensive but the stunning black box they come in is just as gorge as the rich and exotic candle.

We love the Angels Trumpet! It's both sweet and earthy while remaining totally lux and elegant.

Speaking of gifts...Voluspa should win the best gift award hands down!
Not only are they an absolute amazing gift to get they are a spectacular gift to give.

They are super lux and beautifully scented but totally affordable.

They burn for hours and hours while delicately filling your room with yummy scents.
We heart every single smell they make!

Our new fav is the clove. It's a bit warm for the hot days o' summer but as soon as the heat drops, their clove is on another level!

Need a great gift that can not be out done? Their gift sets are perfection.

We love this pretty glass votive set. Imagine throwing a party and scattering these fantastically scented and fun colored candles all over the place....super festive and totally shmancy.

Archipelago candles are the winners hands down for the all inclusive candle.

They smell unbelievably rich, they burn perfectly, they fill a room with luxuriousness even when not lit and they don't cost more than a mani pedi!

Their candles are sooooo great...I worked at a upscale restaurant where the dinners cost as much as a car payment and the customers loved Archipelago candles soooo much, they would literally steal them from the bathroom!!!!!!

We suuuper heart the Magnolia for the summer and the Caramel for the winter.

Get them the mecca of candle stores. Actually you can probably get any lux candle known to man there.

Are you or do you know a fancy pants, lux lovin', Hippie or just someone who hearts candles and the Earth?
Need a candle that is Organic, Soy, Earth Friendly and 100% recyclable???
Dirt is the place to go. Their clean burning candles are super fun to burn (60 hours!!!) and the scents are amazing!

Our favs are Love Machine and All Nighter. Both are gorgeously scented with a huge mix of Earths delights. They are perfectly balanced and totally a must have for any candle lover.

Oh...hello? Earth Lovers??? When you are done using this loooong burning lux candle, you can wash the glass holder and it becomes a drinking glass!!!!

Lovelies...take a moment...burn a nice candle and remember how much you deserve it! There is nothing better for you like that luxuriously peaceful moment.

P.S. Don't forget to blow out candles when you leave a room!

P.P.S. We promise...even if you don't think you are into candles...light one. You will be surprised...and at peace ;)

P.P.P.S. The lovelies here at t.w.h. luuurrrvvveee nice candles...just sayin'

xoxo t.w.h.

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