Sunday, June 14, 2009

No Bueno: Dimples (the tushy kind, not the cute face kind)


Cellulite is a for sure NO Bueno!  And it's not No Bueno because we think its yucky on other people (we are not mean and hey, we got it too), but today it is a No Bueno because I have it and hate it! 
SO this post is really dedicated to my tushy.

Most of us have it (well, not Miss Me) but most everyone has it.  Skinny or not, in shape or not, muscular or not..we got it.  And we hate it..right ladies?!? 

So here are a few ways for the summer time sheding of the clothes, to maybe help us get rid of or hide our dimples.

And let's not get crazy nuts about's really not a huge deal it's just annoying so there is no need to dwell...let's just try to make ours a little less noticable.

Try water!  

Yup... tests show that more water in your life will help to flush toxins and help the body fight fat!  Yippie!  Clearer skin and tush!
P.S. Use a refillable H2O bottle..better for you and the planet!

Try lotions!
This Nivea cream was voted best Anti Cellulite cream on the market.  And the tests show that is works!  WOooo hoooo.
A little self love massage is for sure in order with this lotion.  You can get it here and there is a little info on it too ;)

Try sunless tanners!

Ya know we lurve 'em and they for sure help to hide our bumpy little butt skin.  
I am quite sure as a loyal reader you went here already but just incase go again or go for the 1st time and see which ones we heart the bestest.

Try these shoes!
My sister-in law swears by her MBT Shoes (present anyone?) and so do a lot of scientific tests too.  Go here for full benefits that go waaay beyond just that annoying orange peel skin!

Try saying.."Screw it!  I am beautiful just the way I am".  Because you are!

xoxo t.w.h.

1 comment:

  1. another thing is get off your butt! Your tush needs to get some good circulation , so that means that we don't have to be lady like all the time with our legs crossed.
