Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yummies: We totally heart fun foods that are good for your skin!

Dearest loyal readers... oooppsie daisy!  So sorry we missed Monday's post :(  
Not only was there an earthquake on Sunday (right under our house!) but the T.W.H. Internet was not behaving.  But there is good news!  We decided to combine Beautifuls and Yummies into 1 post for your reading pleasure.  

In case you are a new reader, (hello there!)  Mondays are dedicated to beauty and Tuesdays are for food...just to keep you in the loop.

OK,  thats it... here we go!

FYI,  there are super yummy foods that are good for your skin..and we are not just talking veggies, water and fish (even though those foods are the best for your waist line and cellulite... ewww sorry ..they aren't always the most fun to eat)

First up on the yummy train is a fruit that is soooo good for you and sooo sweet you may never miss processed sugar (which is HORRIBLE for skin...if I could only remember that every time i see candy in my path)... we give you berries!

Berries are so super filled with good for your skin antioxidants/vitamins like C and E.
Vitamin C is a great skin restorer.  It helps your collagen rebuild itself and keeps skin bright and plump.  Soooo the more you eat the better your skin and waist.  
They are also amazing when added to yogurt with honey and spread on skin after sunbathing.

Speaking of yogurt,

it too, is great inside or outside of your body.  
The real kind...not the sugar filled ones... are full of Vitamin A and probiotics that will leave skin softer, smoother and less prone to breakouts! Yippie!  And eat the low fat, low sugar kind... your belly and thighs will thank you too! 

One of our favorite beauty brands makes an amazing mask (do not eat)

but then again if you are a recessionista like us, yogurt is the best ingredient to add to at home masks. WOO HOO!

If you like pina-colada then you will lurve this next one!  

Pineapple (yummmm) is filled with good for your skin and belly vitamins and minerals.  

Thanks to Vitamin C and pectin not only will your skin glow, but it aids in digestion and helps you from being bloated.  

Now there is another fun ingredient in pineapple that is super good too, Bromolina, it is an enzyme that is amazing for skin and muscles and an anti-inflammatory! Yippie...bye bye crazy dimpled tushie!

When this juicy fruit is applied to the skin it helps get rid of dull and dry skin while cleaning and softening... yup we are excited as we are reading this too!

Here is a great pineapple mask..you could eat it when its done working :)  ...just saying ;)

Pineapple exfoliate moisturizing mask

Note: honey is a powerful astringent and moisturizer.

* 4 large pineapple chunks

* 3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil

* 1 tsp raw honey

Blend all the ingredients in a blender until the mixture is smooth.
Apply on the face and leave on for 10-15 minutes.
Rinse with cool water and pat dry.

P.S. add egg white (don't eat that part..salmonella anyone?) to help tighten the pores. 

Now the moment we have all been waiting for...CHOCOLATE!!!  

YES..you did hear (read) that correctly... chocolate is good for your skin!  

OK, before you (we) go running out and dunking our heads in a huge bag of M&Ms, keep reading.  

Not all chocolates are created equal and usually the ones in fun colored, bite size pieces are not usually the good ones... but dark chocolate that is organic and less processed can be uber good for you and your skin.   
Just be careful not to eat a crazy amount :)  cellulite (i know..sorry..its out of love)  is known to follow crazy sugar consumption.

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and flavonoids that do amazing work.  Not only do they help block some UV rays to keep skin young, but it can keep skin moist, smooth and less scaley. UUMM...yes please...(hand reaches into a bag of dark chocolate chips).  

Go here for more info. on how great choc is ;).  You're welcome.

If you do want to keep the gross cottage cheese (which when you eat the food kind,is also good for your skin) at bay here is a great chocolate mask for you. 

Chocolate face mask recipe


  • 1/3 cup cocoa
  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of heavy cream (sour cream will work as well)
  • 3 teaspoons of oatmeal powder


Mix all the ingredient until the mass in consistent. Apply on the face, gently massaging it so that oatmeal can start exfoliating the dead skin cell layer. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

In case you are wondering, there is a reason oatmeal and honey are added to this mix. Similar to its use in body scrub recipes, oatmeal it is recommended for sensitive skin, but can be used in preparation of facial masks for any skin type, as well as for preparation of facial exfoliants as it is gentle on the skin, yet highly powerful.

The added honey is great for skin, it helps open up pores and has great anti-bacterial properties.

P.S. Avocado is super good for your skin too!  (we didn't add it and now we made it feel bad...s0rry Avocado.. we didn't want our readers to fall asleep!)

Now get out there and eat well...look great and feel amazing!

xoxo t.w.h.

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