Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A tree grows in Brooklyn... And we heart it.

So, the Boy I heart was telling this amazing story today about something he heard on NPR where a man went into an old abandoned school in Detroit and found just thousands of books in piles on the ground, and the windows were all broken and wind and dirt and everything was just blowing right into this old skeleton of a school building.

And when the man looked closer into one of the piles of books, he saw a little tiny tree growing. That poetic picture inspired this post, because things always grow and re-create. Nature will find a way. Besides, who wouldn't heart a sweet little plant growing on their desk or perhaps on your 

We found some really cute grow your own mini-garden options that we would like to share with you. 

First up we have the super sweet and cute egglings... Oh my goodness these are so adorable! We want a whole row of them up on the kitchen window! 

Stop the press's!! 

Woopsie! Spoke to soon! Look at these adorable little tin cans that house a colorful mini-flower garden! You can get yours at Fred Flare
These are just the gift we would bring over to a friends house as a house warming or a hostess gift! Can you imagine a few of these cans of flowers with some china-town dish towels?! You would be invited over again and again! 

Or you can go super old school and grab your self a Chia pet! 

A little greenery for your day! It really can brighten your mood. 
And it is really amazing to see what nature will do. The plants will keep on growing, the sun will keep on shining. And as for you dear readers, we hope you will keep on smiling! 

XOXO- Things We Heart

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