(Photo: Keep Calm Gallery)
Oh how I love my morning latte, sweet and frothy and just delicious.
But when Mr. Miss Me decided that we NEEDED to get this super fancy pants espresso machine, I was a little resistant.
I was perfectly happy going to Coffee BEan every day for my Iced Vanilla Soy Latte. Yummy.... But wait, all that coffee buying can really ad up...

Enter the Pasquini, a Coffee bar quality espresso machine for your home.
Once I tasted the latte that came from this amazing and easy to use machine, I was sold!
It is worth every penny and I even have to admit, (and I hope the Mister misses this part...) worth all the counter space it takes up!

And even though buying an espresso machine is a little pricey, if you drink enough coffee, you can make up the price. Think about it, at a lot of places you ae paying about $3.00 a cup... No Bueno!

So now you are all ready to make your yummy morning cup of joe at home... What about beans? Well, if you are lucky enough to live in Los Angeles or New York you can head over to Intelligentsia for some yummy Summer Solstice blend.
My husband and I got some of this in Philly, so I know they deal their beans out to other shops.. Check the web-site to find one near you.

Another spot for the lucky Angelinos is Lamill coffee. Delicious, beautiful packaging... Winner!
Plus you can order on line, so you can even get your beans sent to you in Timbuktoo!
I hear they have classes at the Los Angeles location where they teach you to make a great latte and even make those pretty designs on top... I can not wait to go!

How fancy will my after dinner party coffee's be then?

So if you like your coffee frothy and warm like me, or iced and full of Almond milk like my mister... I think we can all agree that coffee deserves our heart!
We hope you enjoy your coffee today!
XOXO- Things-We-Heart

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