Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Random Hearts: We heart the new breed if Fall '10 movies!!!

Oh my god! We can not wait!!! This fall's movie line up is soooooooo good we can't stand it!

Movies are basically the only perfect form of entertainment...right?? Well besides a certain concert we saw over 50 times last year...but we digress...

Movies are truly perfection...
They can take you away, teach you, make a rainy gloomy day...snuggly, be a great date, a fantastical pick me up, cool down a humid day and spruce up a ho hum day...
They aren't expensive (unless you live in LaLa and go to the Arclight...can you say $15 a pop?)
and they totally entertain.

So imagine our stupid crazy excitement when the new crop of films came out!

Here are our top 5 must sees for this season...

Thank you Ben Affleck! Thank you for your ridiculously great movie! What a fun ride!
We love a good bank robbing movie like Heat and Dead Presidents..Oooh and Point Break and The Town was even better! You have officially buried that whole Gigli debacle.

Natalie Portman, Darren Aronofsky, Mila Kunis, Ballet and the story of Swan Lake in a fucking thriller???!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?
YES PLEASE! ASAP POR FAVOR!!!! You had us at...well you had us at the title really...

We can't wait to see this documentry by David Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth) about the sad, horrific state of the school system in the weathiest and luckiest (yet most far behind and lazy) country in the world.
It's up to our generation to make a change...

It came out last Friday and we are still waiting like patient spouses to see it with our hard working other halfs, but every person we have talked to said its amazing!
The tale-ish of the start of Facebook(ya that thing that steals hours and hours of your day) by the one and only David Fincher. It follows the conception and beginnings of the most famous and wealthy social networking site ever.

and last but sooooooo not least...
part 1 of 2 insanely amazing books...

Uuuughhhhghghhg! Hurry! Hurry! We are actually happy they split this amazing book into 2 parts. It makes it last we have yet another movie to look forward to for next year (besides Breaking Dawn of course)
We heart you JK Rowlings for keeping us totally enthrawled and entertained with your books and movies for over 10 years now!

P.S. If you see all 5 of our top 5 or any 5 for that is cheaper than buying a small round of drinks! And you probably won't have any morning after regrets..well of course unless you decide to see Jack Ass 3D...then you are on your own.

xoxo things we heart


  1. can I also say that thanks to Social Network I have a little crush on Justin Timberlake. I've always liked a boy who can dance. But he looks cute in glasses, too!?

  2. I saw the town, i loved it but blake lively bugged me a little in it. I hadn't seen the black swan trailer so thanks for posting that:) The social network, i was very bleh about it at first...come on a movie about facebook? We have one we already know what goes on..but It started to intrigue me about young business owners...I would see it if it was about any movie! I will post my review once I have seen it!

  3. WOW! Black Swan looks amaze!! The trailer gave me chills!
