Monday, August 2, 2010

Yummies: Let's roll!

Dear Japan,

Where do you get off being so insanely amazing?

You have beautiful landscapes, buzzing and bustling cities, rich history....

And super crazy stylish people.

Not to mention you come up with all the best game shows!

You give the world all of that... Plus you give us sushi!?!
Oh Japan, we owe you big time.
And one day we will come visit and show you how thankful we are by spending all our money in your stores.

Love, M & E

(R2-D2 soy sauce bottle? Yes please.)

All you need is some wasabi, some ginger....

And of course the soy sauce....

Psssssss..... You don't even NEED fish.

Right now we are crazy in love with veggie rolls.

Seaweed, rice, veggies...

What could be simpler or more delicious!?

If you have a ton of energy to burn you could make your own...

You could even make it a tempura roll...


(Thanks Vegan Yum Yum)

Or if you are anything like us, you will just hit your local sushi spot...

However you get it you are gonna love it.

XOXO- Things-We-Heart

1 comment:

  1. OOH Miss Me, You've got my number. Been wanting yummy veggi rolls, but am too lazy to hunker down with my sticky rice and roll 'em myself....
