Monday, August 16, 2010

Stay Tuned Things We Heart Lovers!

Stay Tuned!

We are baking up a couple of projects....

Sooooo we will be taking a short break but we will be back and ready to tickle your fancies as fast as you can say....ummm...Superfragilisticexpialidocious.

P.S. We won't be far away at can always keep up to date with us on Twitter!..We are twitterholics!

Don't be mad! We know we deserve spankings! But we will see you super soon!!!!

xoxo things we heart


  1. Hi ladies! I have an off topic question... i just saw your tweet about the book "I capture a castle" and was wondering if you guys had thought of doing an entire post on you guys' favorite books? I love a good book recommendation :]

  2. Oooh, I second that! You ladies always have super fun, interesting, off-the-beaten-path-ish ideas for posts. Books! Books!

    And since you're both gorgeous fashonistas, how about a post for the single ladies? Cute date outfits that aren't too 'spensive?
