Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Random Hearts: Riding your Bike!!!!

Hi there, fave and cutest readers of Things We Heart... we have a riddle for you....

What is the oldest, chicest, most fun, super eco friendly, cutest, best for your bod, and in LA...SF...and NYC the fastest way to get around town and get all your most importante stuff done?

No...not a silly Segway (gross)

.... riding your bike!

Most of you probably already have one or can easily and recessionista-ishly get one pronto so we will spare you a list of our go to faves or TDF wishes cuz we are pretty darn sure there are 1,000s of amazing ones out there and hey...who's got the time?

Oh wait!
There is one we are absolutely freaking out over and lusting after and it's not a whole ton of moolah! And if you happen to talk to a certain Mr. TWH...tell him I have been a super good girl and even though I have a bike, this one is different!

And PS it's not the Chanel one so that's good ;)

And the piece de resistance?.....

This Build a Bike from URBAN!!! Soooooooo cute! Here is the one I want...

They have 2 different styles and tons of color combos...but since my dream is to live at the's best to have a crusier too! Right? Greedy? Hmmmm...

Or we will both take one of these gorge and not cooccoo expensive cruisers from Micargi!

Like a vacation on a bike! that we got that out of the are our all time fave accessories for your bikes.

And trust us...they are all super cute, totally must have, and like always very friendly to your wallet! You're are so welcome! And worth it ;)

You can't have a bike with out a basket. I mean, how are you supposed to go to the farmers market, or store or get your necessities with out a basket?

Our go to is always a vintage inspired wicker strap-on basket. It fits on almost every bike and the best part? It comes on and off!

You're right! What if your pooch or kitten needs to go to the vet or loves a ride around town? How do you do that on a bike?

Riding in style!

OK, there is a super rad influx of night riders sillies not that kind...

this kind...

So you need to get rad wheel lights!

We found these super ridiculously insanely give me now rad ones from Hokey Spokes! They change colors and can do pictures when you get over 7 mph!!!!!!!!!!!
How cute!!!!!!!
Oh...and you need these to keep you safe too ;)

And the last thing to get your bike super ready for all the summertime, eco friendly, body lovin, cutie bean riding your going to be doing? Besides a helmet...
A great and big bell!

Like a horn for your 2 wheeler...

See? You CAN have it all and it's good for you and mother nature...Get out your tush and ride a bike!

P.S. Don't have a bike and don't want a crusier (if you have hills don't get a crusier)? Ebay and Craigslist are great places to start your search!

P.P.S. We didn't put all of the cute baby seats on here since there are sooo many and super important you choose the right one. Many are not rated to be safe so do loads of research!

OK...stop reading this...get outside now and ride into the sunset....

xoxo things we heart