Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yummies: Strawberry Fields Forever

Spring is in the air and Strawberries are at the markets!
Nothing is more exciting then walking into you local Whole Foods, or even better your neighborhood Farmers Market and seeing a bunch of ripe juicy strawberries!

Ok, that is a lie.... Some things are way more exciting... But still, fresh strawberries... Pretty good right?!
So what are some of our favorite ways to enjoy these little red gems? Well aside from straight out of the colander, we have a few other delicious ideas.

For example: Take of the green tops, then cut a X-shaped cross into the small side of each strawberry... Insert whipped cream can and fill.... YUMMY!

Try not to eat them all before the guests arrive. They are super easy to make... But will still be a crowd pleaser.

Looking to add strawberries to your main course? How about a delicious savory and sweet spinach, strawberry, almond and feta salad?

With a nice piece of baked faux chicken?! That is what we call the perfect spring time meal! Don't forget the dressing!

Now for desert... Our favorite part of the day.

We have a friend who said that while she was pregnant, she would get one whole strawberry pie a week... And then proceed to eat the whole pie herself, just to repeat that pattern again the next week.

For 9 months!! So amazing! Lets just say, all is well that ends well. Our friend has a beautiful teenage daughter now and they look more like sisters... So, we think she was on to something for sure. We are excited to have found a recipe for strawberry pie vegan style... Because you know what they say about vegans doing it better....

Having a dinner party? Because once again our kitchen fairy Ina Garten aka The Barefoot Contessa, has created the perfect desert for you and your guests.
Deconstructed strawberry shortcake! Sorry but how fucking adorable are you gonna be when you serve these up? Wow... Please invite us.

Yummy... What do you get when you mix Strawberries, Coconuts and Cake?
You get Miss Me & Miss t.w.h banging down your door... come to steal your cake!

Oh sweet mother of mercy!!! This cake looks delicious and decadent and light and airy all at once!

It is cakes like that that make me wish I knew how to bake!

Spring is here, and isn't it funny how every season that arrives feels like the best possible season of all?

We will revel in Spring, knowing that April's showers will bring May's flowers and that just when we are aching for it Summer will show up at our door steps.
We will spend long days outside in the fresh air eating strawberries dipped in sour cream and brown sugar while listening to music that brings up old memories....

Hopefully we will take notice of the amazing world we live in and that the best pleasures are the simplest ones... And we will remember what it feels like to have nothing better to do then watch the bees buzz around the flowers.

Thank you Mother Earth for this beautiful place we call home... Thank you for all the delicious yummy things you grow... Thank you for sunshine and little green buds...
(of every kind)

XOXO- Thing-We-Heart

1 comment:

  1. I just had the most delicious and succulent strawberries!
