Sunday, March 14, 2010

No Bueno: Good Bye Big Love :(

Big Love, or as we like to call it around our house: "Oh SHIT!!"
Is seriously one of the best television shows we have ever seen.

Just when you think they run out of juice... Like what else could happen now?!
The Henrickson clan come at you with even more crazy!
Seriously... What are we going to do every Sunday without our dose of compound coo-coo?

Please HBO, don't wait as long as you did last time between seasons... It seemed like a year!

We need to know what happens to Nikki!

As gross as it sounds we kind of would like to see Ben and Margie hook it up for real!

Lets keep this drama moving! Please don't make us wait, that is so no bueno!

Hurry back to us guys... We will be here.

XOXO- Things-We-Heart

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