Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yummies: Pom Frites

This week we are super craving delicious and crispy skinny fries, or Pommes Frites!
We are dreaming of them, just like the kitty in the picture above.

Our deepest desire right now, is to go get a giant plate of these naughty little bad-boys with a side a of yummy baby green salad and a glass of white wine.

Sometimes being naughty is so delicious. We highly recommend that at least once a month you spoil yourself with a super fattening treat, that way it makes the other 29 or so days of being (pretty) good easier to handle.

We suggest going to your local french bistro for the BEST or the BEST pommes Frites, but if you want to stay warm and toasty in the house, here is a great recipe from Tyler Florence.


Pommes Frites:

Parsley Butter:

  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut in chunks
  • 1/4 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced


Pour the oil into a deep fryer or heavy saucepan to reach halfway up the sides and heat to 325 degrees F, use a deep-fry thermometer to determine this. While the oil is heating, peel the skin off the potatoes and cut them into uniform 1/4-inch sticks; feel free to use a knife, mandoline, or French fry cutter. Dry the potato sticks thoroughly to keep the hot oil from splattering.

Fry the potatoes in batches so the pot isn't crowded and the oil temperature does not plummet. Cook the French fries for 3 minutes, until soft but not browned. Remove the fries with a long-handled metal strainer and drain on brown paper bags.

Increase the oil temperature to 375 degrees F. Return the par-fried potatoes to the oil and cook a second time for 2 minutes, or until golden and crispy. Drain on fresh brown paper bags then place in a serving bowl. Salt the fries while they're still hot and pour the parsley butter on top; toss gently to combine. Wrap the pommes frites in parchment paper cones and stick them in the bottom of mini martini shakers for serving individually.

To make the parsley butter: combine the butter, parsley, and garlic in a saucepan over medium heat. Swirl the pan around until the butter is completely melted.

The hardest part of homemade pomme frites is getting a nice consistent cut on your potato. So if you are a super frites lover, then invest in this cutter!

Don't forget the dipping sauce!
Here are two delicious choices....

Curry Ketchup:

1 teaspoon curry powder

5 ounces ketchup

5 ounces mayonnaise

1/4 finely chopped onion

Mix all ingredients together.

Honey Mustard Mayo:

5 ounces mayonnaise

4 ounces mustard

1 teaspoon honey

Did you ever wonder where this delightful golden delicacy came from? Did you ever want to grab the face of the person who invented them and just give them a big old kiss?

Well, book the next flight to Belgium and start kissing.

Belgian historian Jo Gerard recounts that potatoes were fried in 1680 in Belgium. In an area called the Spanish Netherlands. The poor inhabitants of this region allegedly had the custom of accompanying their meals with small fried fish, (EWWW) but when the river was frozen and they were unable to fish, they cut potatoes lengthwise and fried them in oil to accompany their meals.
Thank you long cold winters!!

A Belgian legend claims that the term "French" was introduced when British or American soldiers arrived in Belgium during World War one, and consequently tasted Belgian fries. They supposedly called them "French", as it was the official language of the Belgian Army at that time.

However they got here, we are happy! We can't wait for this months, indulgence day!
(Oh, or wait, was that Sundays chocolate fest? Do holidays count?)
XOXO- Things-We-Heart

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