Friday, February 26, 2010

Fashion Flash... Stalk Her Style! Kate Bosworth

*Warning!!* Alien invasion!!

This post is going to be suuuper picture heavy because we don't really have many words to express our obsession with Kate Bosworth and her cuteness.

As we are sure Bruce Willis would agree, you don't always find girls who can look like this on the red carpet....

And then turn around and look like this at a music festival. That is why we are always so impressed with the girls who carry their super stylish ways into real life.

Because when you are at an event dressed by famous fabulous designers... You better look good.

But when you are out running errands... That is all you and let us tell you, Kate Bosworth is all good!

For years the TWH gals have had major girl crushes on K.B. For years we have emailed each other pictures of her cute street style.

Remember this green and navy stripe dress Miss twh?!

We heart a girl who is flawless on the Red Carpet and then makes us green with envy on the streets.... They are harder to find then you may imagine!

Kate can pull off Sexy-Frumpy, and Straight up Sexy... Another rare combo we are crazy about.

Fresh faced and amazing in baggy black and white,
this girl loves a neutral color palette.
But, she is certainly not afraid of color.

We are in awe of people who can pull off simplicity... Is their anything more beautiful then a girl in a pretty dress, with no jewels and hardly a wisp of makeup?

That is pure confidence.

We are also very happy about the recent weight gain that has brought Kate Bosworth back to the sexy girl arena and out of the "Gosh.. That girl is a little too skinny" arena.

Healthy equals sexy and beautiful.
(Plus you look younger when your face has a little fullness, that's why doctors make so much money on fillers!)

So wether she is going on a movie date,

Or to a movie premiere, we heart this girls style!





XOXO- Things-We-Heart

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