Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Random Hearts: Our hearts belong to Audrey Kawasaki

This artist is so incredible and so talented and her work is so breathtaking, that it is almost impossible to write this post. It is hard to find the words to describe what her art means to us.

The talent of Audrey Kawasaki is unquestionable. Her images are haunting and beautiful and sexual and ethereal all at once.

Influenced by both manga comics and Art Nouveau, the work of this 27 year old is already recognized and cherished by the art community... And of course by us!

Using oil paint on wood panels, Audrey's painting will set you back a pretty penny... But you better believe they are worth every dime.

One of the reasons we heart Audrey besides her super insane ability to capture true beauty with her paint brush... Is her limited release numbered and signed prints. That means that people who are not gonna spend thousands of dollars on original art, can still feather their nest with her beautiful work.
(P.S... These limited prints are an investment, just like o.g art, they will increase in value!)

If you go to Audrey's website and register, you will get email blasts letting you know when she is releasing a limited print... And they are limited. You have to be ready and waiting by your computer when the clock strikes the first second that her prints go up.
Because they usually sell out before the first 3 minutes are up!
She is that good!

You are in luck, because her next sale is on January 23rd at 3:00pm.
If you are quick, you can get one of these 2 prints for only $100!
You know Miss Me is dying for the Hyakki Yakou print with the creepy little monster ghosts. Alas... being the proud owner of 4 Kawasaki prints already, me and the "Mister" decided it was time to take a mini-break... But maybe just this one more....shhhh..
(Audrey Kawasaki & Stella Im Hultberg collaboration... Check out Stella.. We heart her work too!)

We loaded the photos on this post... Because really how can you resist showing all of these beautiful images?

This dark and dreamy painting is so beautiful it hurts... It hurts!
Please take the time to check out Audrey's website, you can spend hours looking at her paintings and doodles.

No words are needed to go with these pictures... Just breath deep and enjoy the insanity, that is what we do.

Miss. t.w.h was lucky enough to get into the auction just in time to become the loving owner of this beauty with the butterfly over her eye. *Sigh*.... Truth be told Audrey Kawasaki was one of the first of many things that the T-W-H girls shared a unhealthy lust for... And you know what is born from sharing unhealthy lusts? Beautiful friendships.

XOXO- Things-We-Heart

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