Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fashion Friday: House of Harlow.... Delicious.

As if it wasn't enough that Nicole Richie is adorable beyond belief, stylish as fuck, a generous humanitarian, mother of two beautiful babies AND has a wicked sense of humor... Her jewelry line House of Harlow 1960 has us drooling and lusting after pretty much every single piece.

Miss Richie... today, we salute you and your fantastic taste.
We also thank you for making beautiful things that real people can afford.

It is like House of Harlow 1960 takes every fashion loving, hippie girl dream we ever had and brings them to life...

It is amazing how easy Nicole Richie makes it for us all, just go on line or pop into a store, buy a piece of her jewelry... Done! Casual, carefree radness is yours.

Jeans and a floaty t-shirt paired with her designs are just as easy as dressing up in a pretty dress and your new House of Harlow "Childlike Empress" crown.

This post was inspired by two pieces... Two cuffs to be exact, that made us squeal like N.K.O.T.B fans when we saw them.

First of all.... WHAT THE F-ING F*?!
A wrap around peacock cuff? Out of control!

And then a few days later we saw this one....

Shut the front door! No seriously... SHUT IT! A cuff that looks like a letter with a wax seal? With a double feather crest? Are you even kidding us? Like seriously... Seriously?

It looks even better on! We can not wait to add this to our jewelry boxes.

House of Harlow does delicate too... Like these fantabulous stackable horseshoe bangles.
These look so pretty stacked.

Let me tell you, it was really hard not to buy everything we found while researching this post... But Valentines day IS just around the bend, so hopefully our honeys read this.

Fantastic statement making tigers eye ring that you will wear every SINGLE day, please meet our readers.

Readers, please meet our friend the $75 dollar wonder ring, this little baby can be all yours.... Just click here. You know you want it.

We can't get over how much we heart these red cuffs....
There is something so Wonder Woman sexy about them.

So, we are going to get to how crazy we are about this key ring... But first, we have to mention that this picture makes us feel WAY better about missing our last trip to the nail salon. YIKES!

But, bitchiness aside (for now) we really, really, really love this ring!

We really also wish we looked like this...

Nicole, Thank you for all the yummy inspiration. We are so happy for you, and so happy for all of us that we get to indulge ourselves in your designs.

Lets not even get into the shoe-gasams that are headed our way when House of Harlow shoes come out.

We will leave you guys with this advice...
Play dress up everyday... Never give up your fantasy of being a Flower child or a Ballerina , or even one of the Lost Boys... Those dreams and visions from your youth become your fashion statements today.
XOXO- Things-We-Heart

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