Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Random Hearts: Holiday movies that warm the soul!

Every year right around this time, all of our favorite holiday movies come on!
We love to snuggle up by the fireplace and watch these classics again and again.
These are a few of the T-W-H all time hall of fame holiday movies.

Obviously, both Bedford Falls and our lives are much better places thanks to George Bailey. Seriously, My husband and I love this movie so, so much... We almost named our first son Bailey.

You know that is devotion! Frank Capra's beautifully spun tale of one simple mans realization of his true worth in the world never fails to bring a tear to our eye and a swell to our hearts.

We cry every single time we see this scene...."Zuzu's petals! Zuzu's petals!" Oh, Jimmy Stewart! Thank you for leaving us with this beautiful man!

Taking us back to our childhood every Christmas is the adorable little red nosed reindeer!
Rudolph, along with his sexually ambiguous elf friend take us on an adventure across the North Pole when they are forced away from Santa's village for being different.

The self proclaimed "misfits" teach us a lot about loving people for what they are and accepting their differences when Hermey (the elf) fixes the abominable snowman's toothache and all the other elves see how important it is to have a elf dentist around.

We all know how things turned out for little Rudolph! He will be flying over our heads in just under 2 weeks!
And you have to love Burl Ives as the snowman!

I am just waiting for my kids to be old enough to sit through a black and white movie to show them this classic!

Does any other film make you believe in Santa like Miracle on 34th Street?
That adorable Chris Kringle and that little fire cracker Natalie Wood!

Dear Hollywood,
we know you tried to re-make this one in the late 90's with Dillon Mcdermott and some other small girl in the lead... But just so you know, they call them "Classics" for a reason. Please refrain from destroying any more of our precious film memories in the future. We know this will be hard for you Hollywood, but we expect you to try your best. With love & appreciation for all the good things you do, Miss Me & Miss t-w-h.

Speaking of Classics! Woooooo! You gotta love this one!

Pretty much one of the greatest stories ever told! Who can't relate to Ralphie Parker and his holiday woe?

Pink bunny p.j's from Grandma, being told the toy you want more then anything in the world is too dangerous- "You'll shoot your eye out" and then when you get it... You do shoot your eye out!

And don't tell me you didn't watch this movie as a kid and say... "Will your tongue really stick to a flag pole in the snow?" and then dare your big brother to go try it!! What? No? Only me? Well, I did grow up on the east coast and kids get bored in the winter there.

So, this is the favorite movie of a certain 3.5 year old who lives at my house... And I have watched it / read the book countless times already this winter, and guess what?
It really doesn't get old. That Grinch is so nasty, so snarly, so tricky, so mean...
You just gotta love him!

If you have been watching the Jim Carey one, time to switch back to the O.G cartoon. (Although, in a humiliating amendment to our previous letter to Hollywood, Jim Carey did a outstanding job of recreating this cartoon classic, so kudos to Mr. Carey. But look what Mike Meyers did to the poor Cat in the hat.)

Those little Who sons and daughters can always make you feel good about Christmas!

Help us out here... Is this a Christmas movie, or a Halloween Movie?

Well, whatever kind of movie it is, it is the best type! Tim Burton lovers everywhere rejoice in this dark fairy tale about the Pumpkin King from Halloween Town who fell in love with Christmas!

Jack tries to steal Christmas, but not to be mean just so he can try and be like Santa Claus.

It really is a sweet story. If you can't figure out what holiday to watch it on, then just watch it from November through December! Works for us!

This one is really near and dear to our hearts... That may sound absurd when you realize what movie we are talking about.

But, did you know that laughter is really good for you? It gets your blood flowing and in turn that makes your organs work better and in turn that makes you skin glow and your eyes sparkle! So really, watching this movie is good for you!

(Ok, your right... We made all of that up, but it could be true!)
In any case, Chevy is still good for a laugh when he takes on the role of Clark Griswold!

And with all the stress of the Season, these days you know you need to laugh so hard you cry, or pee your pants.

We were watching this one the other day and thought... Wow how come I never noticed how depressed Charlie Brown is before!?
Geez man, lighten up!

Never the less it is a Christmas Classic, as is the sound track... Which if you don't own at this point in your life... We can not imagine what you are doing with yourself! Go. Now. Buy. Listen!

Love, sweet, sweet love! Ohhhh this movie!
Just another one of those really great imports that makes you throw up your hands and thank the heavens for good international relations with Europe.

Could you imagine if we had an embargo with Europe!? No imported cheese, wine, champagne or Top Shop or Rob Pattinson!? We get chills even thinking of such things!

There are so many Christmas movies we heart... It was really hard to edit them down!
So we will give some others honorable mention.

Another not-quite-a-Christmas-movie- movie, but you gotta do it..
And since Dan Aykroyd dresses like Santa, it passes.

Snuggle up and make it a movie night!
XOXO- Things-We-Heart

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