Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yummies, Delightful Dishes, you can bring along!

So if you are lucky enough to have been invited to someones house for Thanksgiving this week, you should be very thankful indeed.

But don't think you got off the kitchen hook too easily, you should ALWAYS ask your host or hostess what you can bring to add to the feast.

Now, you can bring wine, or pies, or Martinelli's sparkling apple cider (a MUST for any thanksgiving meal) but a homemade dish can score you some real points with Aunt Judy.

Lucky for you (and us) we have found some delicious recipes for yummy side dishes that can cary well on your ride across town.

(For you super craft-masters out there... Here are directions for this nifty carrier)

First up, from the kitchen of Miss Me's mommy, homemade cranberry sauce!
Now, while some people swear up and down that they love the canned stuff... Really? Gross!

They must have never tasted the real deal.
Miss Me makes a big batch every year and hands it out in cute little jars to all her friends and neighbors... I know right, Martha Stewart watch out!

The best thing about homemade cranberry sauce is that it is super easy to make, but people are all really impressed.... Super easy to jar, and keeps really well, so you could make it today and it would still be delicious through till next weekend.. Perfect for leftovers!

Here is how you do it.
Follow the classic Ocean Spray recipe... Then here is a secret tip,
When your cranberry sauce is all done boiling and your kitchen smells like heaven, add in about one teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of cinnamon and stir well.

The salt cuts the sweetness and the cinnamon is just yummy.

Some people like to set their cranberry sauce into molds, and while that is super cool in a creepy neighbors from Edward Scissorhands way,

we prefer to serve it in a cute dish with a spoon.

Next up, and we know some of you may not get this one... But TRUST.
(with mini baby marshmallows on top!)

Now, while this was not a dish that we grew up with it has become a welcome addition to the family feast.
(You can totally skip the nuts, ginger and nutmeg and it is still scrumptious)

Something about the super sweetness mixed with all the other savory flavors on your plate is like a little slice of heaven. Plus it carries really well, you can have it all ready and just pop it in the oven to brown the sweet baby marshmallows and you are done and done!

Another way to impress your friends is with a good old fashioned
I know but really don't be afraid... This is not the runny canned green bean casserole that you still have nightmares about.

We are talking all organic and fresh ingredients.
Delicious green beans, chopped onion, yummy mushrooms, organic cheese all mixed up in creamy mushroom soup and topped off with crunchy sinful fried onions!

Yes please, the gain 5 pounds in one sitting line forms behind us!
This one is from kitchen goddess Paula Deen, so you know it isn't easy on the figure... She loves her some butter Y'all! And we adore her for it!
(psss. Sub out veggie broth for the chicken broth in the recipe for the love of all things feathered)

So there you have it, 3 sure fire ways to impress your friends and family while being a helpful and considerate guest.

Oh and here are a few more tips,

Always bring your dish fully prepared and ready to go, no one needs you adding another cook in the kitchen on a stressful cooking day.

If you need to heat it up for say 15 minutes to brown the top etc. that is totally fine, but let your hostess know that you will be needing to do that and to just let you know when the oven is free.

You should handle putting it in the oven and watching the clock on your dish so it isn't burned.

A really sweet thing to do, is to bring your side along in a baking dish that you are going to leave as a hostess gift.

Simple, inexpensive, clean. They would go with any kitchen AND all the sizes come with a lid for easy transport!
Add in this cute colorful potholder to brighten up your gift.

Bring along a pretty gravy boat to serve your cranberry sauce.

A pretty dish and a colorful pot holder are a super sweet way to say thank you for having me, especially when they are filled with something wonderful to eat!

Now that you are done with your part, relax and enjoy your meal!
You are such a wonderful guest, your sure to be invited back again next year.
(P.S- Dont forget to check here for even more yummy dishes we heart!)

XOXO- Things-We-Heart

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