Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bueno: Cashmere!!!!!

OK before we begin....this is just a Cliff Notes version of a
CASHMERE (ooopps sorry...just thinking about it makes us excited!)

We super heart cashmere!

Here are a few of our all time fave cashmere picks ;)
We are pretty sure that means there will be a longer part 2 version...Wooo hoooo!

There is nothing in the world...seriously nothing in the world that feels as good as slipping on a pair of cashmere jammie bottoms on a coooold morning....

Imagine your cold tooties all snuggly inside a pair of scrumptious cashmere socks

How about wrapping yourself and your loved ones inside a cozy cashmere blanket....aaaahhhhhh...yuummmy

And the ultimate way to wear cashmere?....On your back ;)

A fluffy, warm
sweater o' love is absolutely delish in the cold weather. And the best part? Wear it to bed too!

Stay cozy!

xoxo t.w.h.

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