Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yummies: Yes we like pina coladas...and gettng caught in the rain! We heart Pineapples! (and getting caught in the rain)...

As we drape our bodies across beach chairs (yes...we were wearing lots 'o spf and hats), watching our gorge friends and families frolic in the warm crystal water, the only thing that would quench our undying thirst for anything tropical (even Miss Me ran out and bought a sarong 'cuz she couldn't get enough of island life) was a plate full of sunshine yellow, juicy, sweet, tart decadent...PINEAPPLE!

Ahhhhh...that word alone makes our mouths water and bellies growl.

And what a better way to quench our tropical and pineapple fever on a beach chair on a 88 degree Hawaii day then to drink it!

Bring on the pina colada!

As much as the party girl inside us would totally heart doing an entire blog about the genius of the pina colada...we will resist and blog about the hero of the pina colada (besides the rum) the one...the only...pineapple!

Think of a fruit that is as versatile as a pineapple and we think you may come up a wee bit short. The pineapple is a perfect wonder food.

It's sweet, tart, juicy, flavorful...it can be eaten any time of day with out the voice of your mom yelling at you that you are going to ruin your appitite.

Pineapples can be breaky, lunch, dessert, a drink, a garnish, a snack...you can make them sweet or savory...

They can do anything! Grill them (yup it's suuuuper good), serve 'em in salad, on top of a steak (we will hold judgement meat lovers), use in ice cream or cake, kabob 'em, freeze them, cut and devour...we can go on and on... (cue Bubba from Forest Gump talking about shrimp...oooh we think they are amazing with shrimp too!)

Not only are they super yummy...but they are super foods. Chock full o' vitamin C, B1 and magnesium..they are also filled with enzymes that help break down proteins.

Got a tummy ache? Forget the tums TV watchers and grab some pineapple. This super fruit is shown to help intestinal disorders and calm children's tummy aches.

Don't have a tummy ache or just rather slather this perfect food on your face?
Good! 'Cuz Pineapple is good for your skin too! The aha (alpha hydroxy acids...fancy!) in the fruit will help reduce fine lines and wrinkles!!!!!!! Bring it on!

If pineapple isn't in season when you are ridding your beautiful face of lines (umm there is NOTHING wrong with lines, PS, we just thought we would give you the option) here is a fantastic mask to help.

P.S. Some people even claim that a pineapple can help induce labor when a baby is overdue ;)

OK...the time has come...now that you have learned how fantastically wonderful the pineapple is...we would love to show you some of our fav ways to enjoy it.

Our personal favorite way to enjoy it (well our fav for the last few days at least) is in a drink!

We lurve us a good pina colada...the frozen goodness of the pineapple and coconut will take you away to a tropical heaven.
Here is the classic recipe..super easy and delish...

Pina Colada


  • 1 1/2 ounces light rum
  • 3 ounces pineapple juice
  • 3 ounces coconut cream
  • Pineapple wedge
  • Maraschino cherry
  • Ice, crushed


  • Pour all ingredients into your blender with ice and blend well....oh and drink!
  • Wanna shmance the pants of your dinner guests with a summery pineapple dish?

    How about some Pineapple fried rice?

    Super easy and oh soooo yummers.

    P.S. You can leave out the meat (we do) and substitute with vegan or veg alternatives found at Whole Foods or Trader Joes...

    Need a quick and easy dessert that will satisfy even your toughest critics? Yummy pineapple sorbet will do the trick...

  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 cups orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple
  • 2 teaspoons freshly grated orange zest

  • Directions

    1. In a medium saucepan, bring water and sugar to a simmer over medium high heat until sugar is dissolved.
    2. In a food processor, puree pineapple with its juice until smooth. Transfer to a metal bowl, and stir in syrup, lemon juice, orange juice, and orange zest. Freeze until slightly firm, but not frozen.
    3. Process mixture again in the food processor or beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Transfer to a freezer container and freeze until firm, about 2 hours.

    Remember those upside down pineapple cakes that your parents friends or Aunt Unice would bring over at BBQs?

    The ones with the gross maraschino cherries on top of that goopy and slimy cake topping? Yes, that one...the upside down pineapple cake...

    Welcome to the 2000's! The amazing Roy Yamaguchi of the famous Roy's restaurants has redone that gross looking cake. (thank you!)

    Miss Me and I were lucky enough to devour 2 of them last night (diets? what diets?) and we thought we should let you enjoy them too!

    Here is his famous recipe...you're welcome!

    Roy’s Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

    7 ounces butter

    5-1/2 ounces (1/2 cup plus

    2-1/2 tablespoons) sugar

    5-1/2 ounces (3/4 cup) dark brown sugar

    3 eggs

    1 tablespoon vanilla

    1 pound (4 cups) cake flour

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1 tablespoon baking powder

    7 ounces milk

    2 pounds fresh pineapple, cut in 2-inch strips, 1/4-inch thick

    » Sauce:
    1-1/4 pounds butter
    1 pound (2-1/4 cups) brown sugar

    Spray 18 4-ounce molds with cooking oil spray.

    To make sauce: Heat butter and sugar over medium heat and bring to boil, stirring so sugar doesn't burn. Pour 2 tablespoons into each mold; chill 1 hour.

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

    To make batter: Cream butter and sugars. Beat in eggs.

    Sift together flour, salt and baking powder. Add mixture gradually to creamed mixture and beat until incorporated. Fold in milk and vanilla.

    Arrange pineapple slices over glaze in molds. Top with 1/4 cup batter. Bake 17 to 18 minutes.

    Turn molds over on plates and unmold cakes. Serve hot.

    Wanna just enjoy the Majesty of the pineapple with out cooking it into a recipe...just savor the juicy fruit on it's own?

    Here is a simple how to on cutting the perfect pineapple.

    Cut and devour.

    Freeze a few pieces for an amazing summer (or diet) snack! It's like eating candy!!!

    Too lazy to cut your own? Here's a fun pineapple cutter to make the job easier.

    Yummmmmmm chocolate and pineapple...yes and pllleeeeaaaase.

    2 of natures perfect foods married together? Yup...

    Dark chocolate covered pineapple bites! Mix with popcorn...hee heee...munchies anyone?

    Don't feel like finding these delish bites? DIY fancy pants!

    Still can't get enough of the superb pineapple????? Slather it on your pout with Alba Botanicals shimmery, moisturizing lipgloss.

    Filled with pineapple extract and organic emollients...this gloss will not only give you an Angelina worthy mouth...it will transport you to the islands :)

    We know by now you are madly and deeply in heartville with the pineapple. So here is a way to get a glimpse of it every day and to brighten up those boring walls...

    Have fun...eat...enjoy summer...grab a pineapple and come up with more ways to enjoy it!

    P.S. Need more remedies?...go here!
    P.P.S. Need more recipies?...go here!

    xoxo t.w.h.

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