Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bueno!: You!

Thank you a million times...thank you!

We lovelies at Things We Heart just wanted to say thank you so very mucho much to our fans, readers, supporters, friends...well, you get the point.

Thank you for coming daily (or when ever you get a chance), thank you for having fun with us, thank you for hearting what we heart ;)

Thank you to our muy bueno readers for making this amazing and fun blogging experience that much better and super worth all of the blood, sweat and tears. (well maybe not so much blood but for sure sweat and definitely tears...especially when we read how good each others posts are or when we can't have something that we posted about).

We are having a blast doing this and we hope you have a blast reading it.

If you heart us or even just like us...pass us along to as many people as you want :)

Oh wait...look!!! Here's a handy link to us to pass along!

Wow...super convenient.

hee hee
xoxo t.w.h.

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