Thursday, April 9, 2009

Decor (to die for): Stop in the name of posters

Love...ahhhh.. Love...there is nothing like it.  The warm squishiness of it...the sweet kisses, warm hugs, and the squishiness (ooops did i say that already?  but it is squishy...right?  the good kind of sand in your toes at the beach or the middle of a marshmellow in a s'mores...mmmm s'mores..oops back on track)

There is just something so incredible about the word "love" it the meaning or just the fact that love is so sweet, so innocent, so lovely?  Then to put a symbol like a heart to capture its essence is just...well um...DELICIOUS!

Our heart and love of love, probably started with us being tomboys.  Playing in the dirty dirt, punching boys and turning our chunky cheeks away from the color pink and hearts.  But somewhere along the lines, even though we kept the tomboyish fashion sense, the girly just snuck its way into our hearts and homes... (sorry boyfriend and least we do the girly thing in a rock and roll way...right???...eeek...right?)

It may be the '80s coming back or the fact that Love is so important right now but to see it on a wall in our house (or hopefully yours) feels really good...and looks super cute too.  
Here are a few to inspire you...and buy if you're feelin' the love (stupid, i know...sorry).

The O.G. of pop love posters...Mr. Robert Indiana.  
This print and sculpture are now iconic.

He created this much produced and copied Love for a Christmas card in 1964 for the Museaum of Modern Art and the Love sculpture shortly followed.  

How amazing to take such a simple word and create such spectacular art!  You can still buy an original and signed one here! (hope you got a tax return)

Next up on the love train (try to stop me may not work...I am all hopped up on Cadbury Cream Eggs) is the entire reason for this post. 
Sex in the City.

Maybe its because I have watched the Sex in the City movie well over 23 times (no joke...I might be sick) or simply because this art/poster/needlepoint (not just for grannies) from Paul Smith is fabulous, but I am obsessed with this piece.  

The colors and drama and texture will liven up any wall.  Just walking passed it will make you swoon and giggle.

I just bought this Love poster and I am in totally and utter heartville!  Its from another one of our favorite Etsy shops, Jennifer Ramos..if you haven't done Etsy, you must! 

I have no where to put it but I can't stop looking at it.  It's so simple, so meaningful, so peaceful, so pop art chic.  A little matting and a rad 3 inch frame and I am R.T.G. ...well the poster is at least. (and its on sale!)  
This is another one from Jennifer Ramos...a bit more fun and less serious, but still chic.

OK, I am dying for this next one.... I mean coo coo crazy style need, and heart, and want...
P.S. my birthday is around the corner (wink wink)
From artist Suzanne Sharp, its again needlepoint (granny chic anyone?)...sooooo fantastic, cute and edgy all at the same time... this would go great with my zigzag rug and pink chair...anyone??? hello??...birthday??
A girl can wish ;)  maybe T-W-H will just split it and give it joint custody between our houses.

Now for the cutest, meanest, sweetest, almost angriest and troubled love poster there is...
This almost perfectly explains love!  Like love, its an amazing combination of bright and bold, its sometimes upside down and a bit livid (couldn't figure out what else to say but you get what I'm saying)  but if you have the right key to the right heart...its perfect!   Thank you Velocity Art for your self explainatory love poster.

So, even if you don't have a you can just buy one ;)  and hang it on the wall... at least this kind will go with everything and make you smile every time you see it.

xoxo t-w-h

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